The International Committee for Museum Security ICMS was founded by the 10th General Assembly of ICOM on June 1974 in Kobenhavn, Denmark. It has been playing a leading role in activities throughout its many years of meetings. Its Rules have changed to conform with the Model Rules of ICOM, dated 1991, declaring ICMS original and unchanging aims:
- to support the aims and objectives of ICOM, particularly with the reference to museum security;
- to formulate and carry out a program of activities related to museum security;
- to provide a forum for communication, co-operation and exchange of information between museums, professional museum workers and others concerned with museum security;
- to provide advice to ICOM on museum security and be a source of professional expertise to assist in the implementation of ICOM’s program;
- to represent the interests of museum security within ICOM;
- to cooperate with the National Committees and Affiliated Organizations of ICOM in matters related to the Committees specific mandate and to the broader interests of ICOM