July 14, 2022
In memory of Dick Drent

It has reached the ICMS board on 12 July that respected and beloved ICMS member and former Secretary of the ICMS Board Dick Drent died of the consequences of heart failure on 12 July 2022.
Dick was considered an undisputed expert on the protection of the Dutch cultural heritage sector being a much seen speaker all over the world. He spent most of his professional life working in the safety and security business as a Detective Chief Inspector, the Chief Security Officer of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. and as an Security Consultant.
ICMS members throughout the world will recall Dicks’ ability to combine serious security matters with a an infectious humour and drive to have a good time together.
The ICMS loses another dear friend. We will miss him dearly.
On behalf of all the ‘I see my ass’ members we quote Rinus Vonhoff who passed away in 2020 : UP YOURS Dick!!