Milan (Italy) 2016

ICMS annual meeting in Milan (Italy) 03 – 09 July 2016
41 ICMS members from around the world attended the ICMS meeting and ICOM General Conference.
The main theme of the conference was “Museums and cultural landscapes building up a cultural heritage”.
Presenters from the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Poland, Kenya, Germany and China have given excellent and interesting presentations about the developments in museum security and safety. A joint session was held together with ICOM-CC and DRTF “Museums under fire – preparing and responding to disasters” with a final panel discussion about “Museum leadership in safeguarding heritage at risk around the world”.
Elections for the new ICMS board were held in the business meeting of ICMS. The board was pleased with the increase of the amount of ICMS members from all over the world in the last year, which reflects the growing interest in the fields of ICMS.
A security survey in the Poldi Pezzolo Museum was done by the members of the ICMS group and the results and some recommandations were presented afterwards to the director and curator of that museum.
The social events of the ICOM General Conference and the excursions to various places in and around Milan were very much appreciated.