May 21, 2024
Registration for NCCPP2024 & ICMS annual meeting 2024 in Los Angeles, California Conference, Network

Registration for the NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CULTURAL PROPERTY PROTECTION in partnership with the International Committee for Museum Security (ICMS)
September 23-25, 2024 | Los Angeles, California
The National Conference on Cultural Property Protection (NCCPP) in partnership with the International Committee for Museum Security (ICMS), is excited to announce this year’s in-person conference is open for registration!
The annual conference offers insight and proven solutions for new and seasoned professionals in the field of cultural property protection. This year’s theme is “Preserving the Past, Protecting the Future: Global Innovations in Cultural Property Protection” and will include two full days of presentations and panel discussions, a full day of visiting museums throughout Los Angeles, and a networking reception.
ICMS members should choose a standard ticket and use the promo code “ICMSMembers2024” to get a free admission ticket for the whole NCCPP2024 event, including the ICMS annual meeting on day 4. Please note that you must provide your ICOM membership number (which you can find on your ICOM member card) once you have applied the code.